This basket is the result of an intensive investigation into the embroidery machine. The basket is held together entirely through an embroidery technique allowing the cord to be passed through it and move freely within the embroidery stitch. The Dirty Laundry Basket is made out of upcycled t-shirts and expands in size as more clothes are put into it.
I figured out a way to program the machine to create loose strands as opposed to stitches. This allowed me to weave other materials through the embroidery and use the embroidery as a functional element to attach other objects to my fabric.
The goal of this project was to understand a new way of thinking, starting product development with the process rather than a problem. I allowed samples I made to raise questions and inspire the next steps. 
‘Failed’ tests turned out to be even more useful than ‘successful’ ones. I was also able to let myself be completely driven by the process of experimentation, which was a surprisingly fun and free experience.
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